Aurobay Holding, as of 31st of May 2024, belongs to HORSE Powertrain Ltd. The content of this page is being updated to reflect all parts of Aurobay Holding.


Explore how to manage orders and invoices in Sweden

For Indirect Material

SAP Business Network is Aurobay`s global ordering and invoicing solution. Therefore, all Indirect Material suppliers will need to comply with this method of receiving orders and sending invoices.

We encourage you to use the SAP Business Network for a faster invoicing process, with a payment rate of 99%.

How to process order and submit invoices on SAP Business Network

Please follow the steps shown in our interactive audio

  • First time registering
  • Order Processing
  • Invoice submission
  • Account merge and Account configuration’

Get more information regarding SAP Business Network here

General Invoicing Requirements
Learn more about invoicing requirements here


  • Contact the SAP Business Customer Support Team via Help Center:
  • If you have questions about orders, please contact moc.yaborua@redroreilppus
  • For Finance-related questions about how to manage invoices, and for all finance queries, please contact moc.yaborua@eciovnireilppus
  • If invoicing through SAP Business Network is not possible, please send the invoice to moc.yaborua@es.eciovni

Direct Material

All Invoice handling related to self-billing will be supported by Aurobay. For further questions reach out to moc.yaborua@eciovnireilppus

Please note that at Aurobay paper invoices are not accepted and they will be rejected.

Explore how to manage orders & invoices in China

Please be aware that we will only accept invoices that have one PO (Indirect Material), or one Delivery Note (Direct Material) included.

You should scan the invoice and send it to moc.yaborua@nc.eciovni and then send a hardcopy to us by express except e-invoice. Please note that there can only be one invoice in each pdf, and each e-mail should only contain of one pdf.

For further questions reach out to moc.yaborua@nc.eciovnireilppus

Become an Aurobay supplier

All over the world, demands are increasing for companies to take concrete actions to tackle climate change and environmental regulations are being strengthened. Ambitious sustainability commitments are increasingly important to attract customers, partners and employees.