Recruitment Specialist
Since January 2022, Felicia Eriksson has been managing recruitment at Aurobay, as part of the People & Culture team in Gothenburg.
When I first heard about Aurobay, what appealed to me was the fact that it’s a start-up, but it has a long heritage. We’re building a brand-new business – with a new strategy, a new culture and a new leadership model. Yet we are on firm ground, because we’re backed by Volvo Cars and Geely.
Making improvements Everyone here is very driven and motivated. When I speak to potential recruits to Aurobay, I tell them that this is a place where you can help shape a new business. You can apply everything you’ve learned in your life and work so far, and make improvements. It involves being flexible and open-minded, and it’s a fantastic environment to work in.
Making a difference It’s important to me – and to most of the people I interview – to work for a company that’s making positive impact on the world. I’m proud of our stance on sustainability and diversity, and of how we’re finding new ways to reduce emissions. We have a fantastic journey ahead of us. I’m looking forward to being part of it.
Making your mark I’m fairly early in my career. So I get support from my manager when I need it, but I also have a lot of autonomy and my decisions are respected by colleagues. People trust me to do the right thing. I believe I will definitely be able to make my mark at Aurobay.

Felicia Eriksson
Recruitment specialist